Tomorrow should be pretty good. I'll be doing engagement pictures around 4:30, then we have a volleyball game at 7:30 (I think). Anna likes to play in the sand so she does pretty well out there. Our team rotates out so my dad watches her and whoever is out sits by her. She's a cute one, that girl.
I curled my hair today to see if I could. It worked!
I curled it around noon and it stayed all day. My hair has never stayed curled very well, especially not after I curled it, so this is a step up. As of now I'm planning on curling it again for the pictures on Friday. Hopefully it works then, too.
It's been really nice out the last few days. Anna wakes up and one of the first thing she says is, "Swing!" So, there's been a lot of swinging and walking around the back yard in our lives. Yesterday I thought it'd be good to take pictures of her in her green lace jumper. Seriously, it's adorable!
Oh, she's gorgeous. She's also singing along to songs. Particularly, "Somebody I Used to Know." I love that song, so we listen to it a bunch around here. It's ridiculously cute when she sings. She'll also bring Miles' ukulele to him and say, "Play for me." Of course it sounds more like "Pay me," but still! She's perfect!
Also, on Saturday the moon was supposed to be super big. It ended up looking more like a fairly normal full moon when I saw it. Maybe I missed the window?
That's cropped in a bit, too. Eh.
Now I sleep. It's 3:30 and if I stay awake any longer I'm just going to keep eating junk and get no sleep.
Yay!!! Thank you for the update!!! I love the green romper on Anna! She is beautiful and speaking of beautiful, I LOVE your hair curled!! You are so pretty, Alysa! And I love to hear Anna sing and I think it's super adorable that she asks her daddy to play for her. What a great daughter! She's amazing!