Anna went to sleep super fast last night. I ended up putting her down at 9:30, which is about an hour earlier than usual. She slept pretty well and woke up for the day at 8:30. Oy vey. I liked when she slept until 11:30, personally. Maybe it was just that I liked sleeping until 11:30...the world may never know. Either way, it was nice that she didn't fight the sleep like she had the previous two nights. But, both of those nights we had her out past the sleeping point to the I-don't-want-to-sleep-anymore-but-I'm-still-super-tired-and-cranky point.
I guess it's good she woke up early today. We're going to be meeting Stephanie around noon and heading to the Civic Arena for a children's craft fair. I'm not really sure what will be going on there, but I assume it'll be a pretty good time. I most likely won't be able to stay for the whole session, as Anna will probably get hungry. Speaking of Anna, she's currently trying to make her way over to my purse and steal all of my money. The joke is on her, though, because I don't have any cash and she doesn't know how to use a debit card! Ha!

Loving the pictures of Anna! She is beyond adorable! And she and I have an arrangement, she steals the money and then we split what she takes. I'm teaching your child how to become a bank robber.