I've had a pretty good last couple of days.
Wednesday I met Stephanie and we took our babes for a walk around the neighborhood. That was a good, long walk. Stephanie is not lazy, like me, so we walked longer than I would have if I were alone.
Thursday I had lunch with my mom, Justin and Sami. We had some corned beef and potatoes. They also had some cabbage, but I follow a strict no-cabbage diet, so I opted out.
Friday evening we went to my parents' house for dinner. We had chicken, rice and corn. It was tasty.
Saturday Anna and I met Stephanie and Lexi at Kmart then headed to Kristi's baby shower. It was a good time. We got there around 2:15 and around 3 Anna started to get hungry. Luckily there were a few rooms in the building we were in, so we took cover in a game room and I fed her. We walked back to the room where everyone was and found out they had waited for me to start the game. That was super nice of them! Breastfeeding = always missing out on things like that. We played the games, ate brownies and watched Kristi and Derek open presents. Anna was surprisingly good for 99% of the time. She slept for probably 45 minutes after eating and woke up pretty happy.
Right when we got home I came inside and grabbed Abbie's birthday present and we headed to Mandy's. We spent a couple hours there playing with balloons and Anna spent some time laughing at Abbie which was adorable.
After we got home we fed Anna then put her to bed pretty soon after. Miles and I were both super tired, and I really don't know why. I had woken up around 11, so it's not like I woke up early by any means, but I definitely felt like I did. I went to sleep at 12:15 then woke up Sunday at 11:15ish, with about an hour total taken out for pumping and feeding Anna. That was nice.
Today I met Amber at the mall and we went on a hunt for a new purse for her. Anna napped and talked a bunch while we were there. Then we came home and she ate, then we headed to the park with Miles. Tonight Miles and I grilled some steaks and potatoes for dinner. They were both tasty and now I'm a bit sad that we're out of steak.
I think tonight I'll start on a grocery list. I like making grocery lists. I also like walking.

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