Okay, so it's the second house I've claimed for myself. The first one is $105,000 and is off Ashland. It's super cute and looks like it's rooms are kind of funky, but it has what seems to be a lot of natural lighting. The second is $24,900 and is off Frederick between 11th and 12th...not such a great neighborhood. But, it's cute and was a foreclosure and I think it's been fixed up...or at least it looks like it was.

The yard is tiny, like super tiny, but there's a baseball field park thing in a lot diagonal from it. Miles has to remind me often that we're not buying a house, but I just like to look at them. This is the problem I get myself into. I look at design blogs and want to design/decorate my own space. Especially a room for Anna! It'd just be fun!
Okay, now on to something not house related...
I hate when people call their babies princesses! I don't know why, but it just drives me crazy!
I'm excited for tonight. Miles and I are going to go to Plaza 8 and see a movie. I'm not sure what we're going to see, but I'm sure it'll be mediocre at best and that is just fine with me. I think we're also get some food and we also need to get Miss Anna more diapers. It'll be nice to get out and about doing something that doesn't include waiting uncomfortably to be called back for an appointment.
For now I must depart. It's time to work with Anna on rolling over and sitting up! Hopefully she'll one of these down soon!
I think you should get a house at some point. I really like the pictures of the one you showed above. It looks super cute and unique...something that I could totally see you in. Anna would love her own room, and your decorating would be amazing!