After we finished we stopped by Payless so I could check out their dyeable shoes. I found some and I think they're adorable.

I really didn't get much done today.
First I did the lunch thing with my grandma, then I went to check out the shoes, and came back home to watch Collin while my mom got her nails done. He's a funny kid and he calls me Isa. We were supposed to take photos for my senior show stuff today...but I wasn't notified of any happens concerning as far as I know nothing happened. Oh well! It was nice to have a day away from school, even though I just feel like I've skipped classes, and I hate that feeling.
I also didn't take pictures of Kristi like we had originally planned. It was not a pretty day out.
Tonight we're taking Miles to Red Lobster. It's a mediocre place to go when you don't like sea food.
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