Let me tell you how much I'm loving Craigslist right now. I guess I don't really have any reason to love it, but I do. When Miles and I were looking for places to rent we checked Craigslist multiple times a day to see what else was there. Now I check often to see what kind of furniture people are selling. I've found a few good deals, but haven't acted on anything. It doesn't make much sense to me to buy furniture just to have to move it again in a couple of weeks. We're also going to put a few things up on there in the next couple of days. Maybe we'll make $10!
Speaking of moving...As far as I know we'll be moving into the house across from Zach's old place. Last week all signs were pointing to us moving into a house on Monterey, but Miles told the landlords that we were going to take the weekend to think and pray about it before definitively saying yes. Saturday at 5:15ish we went to look at the other house and it seemed to fit us much better. There's carpet throughout the house, which I hated initially but after thinking about how Anna will be trying to crawl and walk and knowing how often she decides she's tired of sitting so she'll just fall back I think carpet is much safer. The carpet isn't exactly attractive, but it's in good shape, so it's acceptable. The kitchen is tiny. When I say tiny, I mean teensy tiny tiny. But, there's a pantry and a dishwasher, so those make up for it. The bathroom is pretty big and really clean, so there's two pluses. The basement is bigger, cleaner and brighter than the one on Monterey...perfect for a ping pong table
cough, cough. And the bedrooms...OH the bedrooms! There are two pretty big rooms with two walk in closets each. My thinking is that Anna's room will have one closet for her clothes and toys and the other closet will be my craft space. Our room will have a closet for our clothes and a closet for Miles' instruments and things. Perfect! Now we need a crib for Miss Anna, though, so I've been scoping out Craigslist (it all comes around) for one.
I'm excited to move.
I'm also excited at the thought of having family over for dinners and games of ping pong. We'll have the space for that now! Woo!
Yesterday I had an interview of sorts with Generation Photo. It kind of just came out of nowhere. A girl I had some classes with at Missouri Western sent me a message asking if I'd want to do some part time work up there, as they were needing two part time photographers. I made a makeshift portfolio and resume and headed up. We were supposed to meet with the guy together, but he ended up changing times at the last minute. It was so last minute that I was actually already there, so I went in anyway. I was told to come back when Stacie would be there so we could talk schedules...so I went back. Again, things were changed. She ended up just talking to him on the phone and I guess he was getting ready to call me right before I walked in. Luckily that place isn't far from our apartment. My decided hours were 9:45-1 Monday through Friday, and 12ish-3 on Saturday if needed (they're only open til 1 on Saturdays). He said he was supposed to talk to another girl today about the job, but that Stacie and I were the frontrunners and that he'd call me about it today. Well, I haven't heard from him, so I'm not sure what's going on. He did say he'd rather have one full-time employee than two part-time, so I guess if that girl was going to be able to do that then maybe he went with her. I can't say I'm too heartbroken at the thought of not getting it. It seemed like it would have been a good fit and everything came so easily, but if it's not supposed to be, all's well. I can always get a job at Kmart!
Okay, now I'm burning up and am getting tired. To bed I go! I'll most likely have to wake up in an hour or two to feed the babes again, anyway. Might as well get a little shut eye before that happens!