I've been stealing people's design ideas off Etsy. Oops! Oh well, I'm not ashamed to admit it...obviously. I just figure that as long as I can recreate it...why not? So here is what I've (kind of) come up with:

Then the baby shower thank you card. I figure I can just write more specific thank yous on the back.
Then the baby announcement. I know I'm getting ahead of myself with that one...but when would I have time to design it after she's here? (The box is where a picture would go).
And last is Collin's birthday thank you. This, of course, is subject to whether or not Aimee and Josh like it.
After Miles got home from work we headed out to Krug Park to see the damage the storm had done. It ended up being a good thing since I got to take a walk while we were there. I took a few pictures, but nothing I'm too excited about. There was a tree that had fallen over on a truck. I would have taken pictures of that, but there were a few people around it with a cop so I didn't want to seem too intrusive. We left Krug Park and headed to Cabana for delicious ice cream...and delicious it was.
After getting back home from our little excursion, I finished up on some designing and took a shower. Miles decided to do a bit of recording for a super sweet song he has written about me. I think I'm spoiled by all the things like that that he does. Like the dinner he made for me last night and the roses and night away for our anniversary. I like him.
Around 6:30 I headed to Target with Aimee and my momma to do some registering for baby things. We always spend hours there when we go. I like registering. It's like shopping without spending money or having to put anything away. Here's to hoping I get the things I need...and some of the things I want...at the baby shower. Other than onesies and some pajamas I didn't really register for all that many clothes. I could probably use more socks than I registered for. It'd be helpful if I knew how big Anna will be when she's born when choosing sizes for things. Oh well...if I end up with way too many newborn sized things I'll just change her four times a day. Yep...totally.
Oh! And I only bought two things while at Target. A pack of two long sleep onesies size 3-6 months for $2.24 and a Pepsi! My momma bought a cute hoodie with a bee, I think it is, on it.
In other news, tomorrow is Father's Day and I've done absolutely nothing to prepare for it. Guys are much more difficult than girls, as I can't really just make the fathers in my life paper flowers and expect them to be impressed. Miles has told me to not get him anything, and while I was still planning on getting/making him something, I haven't. I think I'll make desserts for them. I found a recipe for peanut butter cup brownies. They look delicious.

I really don't like how when you post a picture on here it automatically goes to the top of the post. Why does that make sense to Mr. Blogspot? I find it to be annoying and stupid and I'd appreciate it if it would post the picture to where my cursor currently is located.
Now I'm hungry and want a burrito. We're out of burritos so I don't know how I will survive.